I.    The name of the organization shall be Cobb Services for the Elderly (CSE).


The purpose of CSE is to exchange information, ideas, and resources to further expand the members’ knowledge in the field of aging issues and local concerns.


A.    The Organization may participate in community projects where it can provide information to the general public or other professional organizations.

B.    The Organization will be available as a Speakers Bureau for the Cobb County community specializing in the subject of services for seniors.

C.    The Organization may elect to provide financial assistance [i.e. donation (s)] to a community project benefiting a senior or seniors.

D.    To keep abreast of any federal, state, or county legislative issues affecting seniors.

E.    To provide a guest speaker and/or presentation at each meeting on a topic of interest relating to services for seniors.


A.    Any agency or organization or individual serving Cobb County’s Senior Population may send a representative or representatives to each meeting.

1.    The agency or organization agrees to work toward the goals and objectives of Cobb Senior Providers Network.

2.    Membership shall be given to anyone who is interested in the ideals and goals of this group.

3.    Those desiring to become members shall register with the Membership Coordinator.

V.          DUES
Dues are mandatory per year per agency   /organization /individual.  Membership dues will be due at the October meeting of each year.   Members that have not paid current dues will be deleted from the invitation after the December meeting each year.


A. Meetings will be held the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 9:30 AM.

B. Members will be notified of the meeting location in advance.


Board Members are composed of the current Officers and the past President.


Officers are as follows:  President, Vice-President/Membership Chair, Treasurer and Program Chairperson.


Welcoming, Nominating or as needed.


A.  Terms of each office will be for four consecutive years unless officer cannot fulfill the duties of that office.  At the May meeting of odd years, the President will appoint a nominating committee consisting of a chairperson and two other members.  The Nominating Committee shall present the approved slate to the membership at the June meeting, with nominations accepted from the floor.  All nominees must agree to serve in his/her capacity if elected to office.  Election will be held at the July meeting and new officers shall take office at the September meeting.

B.    Each paid member agency/organization/individual shall have one vote.


President    Conduct and prepare agenda for meetings; contribute guidance to fellow officers and members; assist in coordination mechanisms of organization as necessary to meet goals and objectives.  Schedule and Chair Board meetings as needed.

Membership     Act as President in his/her absence.  Assist President with duties and responsibilities as needed.  Maintain membership list, distribute meeting invitations, coordinate with Treasurer on dues payment, assist Welcoming Committee with sign in lists and greeting duties.

Treasurer    Maintain financial records on payables and receivables.  Present a Financial Report to the organization at each meeting.  Collect dues and keep log of all paid members.

Program Chair    Recruit, develop, and plan speakers/presentations for meetings.  Coordinate with Vice-President to ensure meeting invitations reflect accurate presentation information.


Welcoming    Greet attendees at each meeting, verify payment of dues, update contact information.  Coordinate records of dues payment with Treasurer and contact information with Membership Chair


This constitution may be amended by a majority of those present at regular scheduled Meetings, provided the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing to CSE Members at least thirty days prior to the vote.

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